Modern Problems – Now Available

I published this book last week and it’s available as a paperback or e-book here. I feel like I’ve written several weird blurbs that don’t really summarize it too well, so here’s another one (the laziest one yet):

It’s a story about Erol Zane, the richest man in the world, as he gets to basically do whatever he wants. When he wanted to build a high-rise, pack it full of undisclosed tech, and arm it with a laser defense system, no one stopped him. When he developed the world’s first AGI and hid it from the public so he could maintain his personal advantage over everyone else, no one even noticed. With the means to innovate faster than any regulatory body could hope to keep up, he was always at least two steps ahead of the rest of society.

Though his wealth rarely trickles down, the effects of his every whim are deeply felt throughout the building when he orders a full lockdown to contain a drug-fueled riot. From his top-floor vantage point, he watches as the chaos unfolds below for his amusement, using his sentient AI system to steer events as he sees fit. But at a certain point he wonders—which one of them is really in control?

Seen through various characters, it’s a sort of postmodernish deconstructed psychological horror thriller with a speculative near-future sci-fi slant—which is to say, it’s completely unmarketable. I mean, what genre is that even? Contemporary fiction, I guess? Whatever. It’s a book.