Wary of Astronauts – Paperback

Wary of Astronauts Paperback on Amazon

There we have it, another 73 pages of trash to sully your bookshelves. This one was so short that Amazon wouldn’t let me include text on the spine, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s the perfect length. I’m no size queen.

This was the most fun book to write yet. I’ve just been picking random genres and writing my own version of them: The Roark was a “suspense/thriller;” Matlock and Gabe’s… was a collection of short stories that let me dick around with different tenses, perspectives, etc.; and Wary of Astronauts was where I got to shoehorn in some science fiction and expand a little with psychological horror. Before I’m done with this series, I’ll have played in almost every genre’s sandbox without ever stopping to learn their rules. Except fantasy, probably. I don’t fuck with that silliness. Magic and shit? Grow up, nerds.

Next up is Gabby, which will be a proper romance. It’ll probably also be my first “marketable” book, though I probably still won’t actually market it. That would cost money, and putting money into this would make it feel like a business venture, which means it wouldn’t be fun anymore. I’d rather this be a fun hobby than a frustratingly bad investment, thanks!