Wary of Astronauts

I’ve dumped a new book on the internet. I started it back in May 2022, during a simpler time, but then I bounced around a couple jobs, moved, started other writing projects I never finished, and put this one on the back burner. Back then, AI still felt like a novelty, and billionaires hadn’t reduced themselves to cage-match challenges and dick measuring contests yet. A simpler time indeed!

It’s a different world in July 2023. AI has already begun shaking up whole industries, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are engaged in a childish spat on social media, and the planet is on fire. Suddenly, my little story about an omnipotent AI and its billionaire partner planning to leave the planet one day–which had included, as Elon put it, “a literal dick measuring contest”–started to look like it was just pulling from the headlines of the day. So, as we’re toward the end of nesting season, it seemed like an appropriate time to kick this little fledgling out and see if it could fly on its own.

The book isn’t long (less than 80 pages), but it’s just as long as it needs to be. At 80 pages, it’s too long to be a short story, too short to be a novel (allegedly), and thereby completely unmarketable. So, I won’t bother other than to tell you that it’s available here. It’s kind of a bit much (with no fewer than 60 instances of the word ‘fuck’!), so steer clear of it if you have a sensitive constitution. Otherwise, enjoy!